About Kelly

Howdy all mommies out there! My name is Kelly Stewart and I am the owner of MtMommy.com!

Every day I take on the responsibility of being a full-time mother, and while there are challenges on a near daily basis, I love every minute of it.

(For those wondering, I am a proud mother of three children, plus one rambunctious Golden Retriever named Dany – named after the popular Game of Thrones’ “Mother of Dragons” of course!)

With the knowledge I’ve gained raising my family over the years, I’ve decided to create MtMommy.com to help mothers not only face the common challenges of motherhood and parenting in general, but to help them effectively relax and unwind from the daily stress involved with being a mother as well.

Motherhood is probably the hardest job in the world, but that doesn’t mean that success is impossible. Hopefully through my words, every women can reach the “mountaintop” of being a successful mother to their own children!

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